Saturday, March 9, 2013

How to Begin Teaching and Follow Up

With my newest district, I decided to try an experiment of using follow up more powerfully in my How To Begin Teaching as I commence class. As I have prayerfully prepared invitations and questions to follow up with the missionaries, I have noticed some changes.

First, the missionaries teach differently. They focus on the investigator and don't just rush into a prayer at the beginning of a lesson. Secondly, they learn a lot more about the investigator in the first few minutes and really establish love. Thirdly, I learn FAR more of their needs and concerns as I follow up with them and then I am able to address the needs and concerns throughout the entire day.

At first, this tended to take all of my Flex time, but I decided to, before class, write the questions on the board, have them mentally answer each, and then pick one if they were called on, to share an answer to.

We have had powerful experiences as we have acknowledged our growth together, and it has also been so helpful for myself and my companion teacher to know more directly the needs and concerns of the missionaries.

1 comment:

  1. Today in Zone Teaching, we were trying to help the missionaries understand the doctrine behind How To Begin Teaching. They are missionaries that are VERY focused on the application of things. They could be likened to stately ostriches who are so preoccupied with keeping their heads in the ground that they are missing what is happening around them. This activity was very difficult for them, but with coaching, they received some powerful and individual revelation regarding their purpose. They studied 3 Nephi 11 and looked to answer the following questions: 1. What was the savior's purpose in talking to these people. 2. How does he show that purpose? 3. What qualities does the savior show to help the nephites be ready to receive his message and invitation?

    After their discussion, we turned them to practice without a demonstration. Their instructions were to follow the savior's example in helping their investigator understand their purpose. They all struggled at first. But they switched back and forth for the 30 minutes and got more and more out of the role plays as they went along.

    It was interesting to see those with little critical thinking ability, learn by the spirit, in a way that they can understand, more about their purpose as missionaries and be able to continually apply it.
