Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Teach People, Not Lessons - Activity - "The Master Teacher"

I recently had an idea as to how to help missionaries better teach to the needs of the idividual, and how to use the Doctrine of Christ to do so. The remainder of this post is a rough description of what was done and is open to any questions, comments or modifications that any of you see fit to apply.

At the beginning of the "Teach People, Not Lessons" fundamental, before anything is taught, invite all missionaries to gather only their scriptures and study journals. Go to 1M, and stop in the main hallway by the cafeteria. Help missionaries identify that this is the opportunity to learn from the Master Teacher, Jesus Christ. Invite each missionary to select one of their favorite of the many paintings of the Savior in the hallway. For the next 10-15 minutes or so, invite them to study the story being depicted in the artwork they selected. How would they have told the story or written the scripture if they were witnesses to this account? Have them ponder and record their thoughts and impressions about things they are noticing such as:

-What are the needs of the person being taught in the picure?
-How personal did the Savior make His lesson? What was taught?
-How did the "investigator" in the artwork feel before, during and after his or her experience with the Savior? Are they increasing in faith, more likely to repent, etc.?
-What principles of the Doctrine of Christ were taught in this lesson?
-What scriptures were cited, if any, what questions were asked, what invitations were extended... (all application based questions--see Ch. 10 of PMG)?

 Ask them to share either with you or the class what things they learned or felt during this experience. This little activity sets the stage for you to help them see that their objective is to teach like the Savior. The reality is that each of them are capable of doing so, a privelage and blessing that comes with their setting-apart and commission to represent Jesus Christ (also helpful is to share Bruce R. McConkie's "My Missionary Commission" that further explains what it means to teach as the Savior would teach if He were in their position).

Each time I have done this activity, missionaries have commented on how much they enjoyed the chance to see a different pespective of teaching doctrine as the Savior would teach. Feel free to try it in your classes, or contact me with any questions regarding this activity.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Eric for this inspired activity. I feel that we are often able to get the "application" part of teach people not lessons out pretty clearly but the doctrine behind it is often lacking. If we as teachers and missionaries can have the same love and caring that the Savior did for His "investigators" then we will act as He did without effort. "[Come] follow me, and do he things you have seen me do." (2Nephi 31:12)I'm going to try this one out!!! THANKS
